The Jig Saw

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

job profile in a start up

In Tom Evslin's words “At a startup you’ve got to do whatever needs to get done,”

Monday, August 08, 2005

Domestic BPO in India

Ajit Sankaran, Manager Software and Service Research, IDC India Limited spoke on `Business Process Outsourcing: Opportunities at Home' at the 18th India ICT Industry briefing session.

The domestic BPO market is worth Rs 650 crore [though miniscule has potential to grow] envisaging that banking and telecom services would remain the major drivers.

The main inhibitors for the growth of the market were the low margins and the 'no-real cost advantage', he said.

Read more

sub 10k PC's

ET has a list of sub 10k PCs ready to hit the market ..
  • Encore and CSIR's mobilis
  • HCL's PC for India
  • Sahara India's PC
  • Xenitis' Amar PC
  • Novatium's Thin Client

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Rules of Success - The Path of Least Resistance

There are certain things in life we all have to do. There are certain things in life we choose to do. Then there is everything else. The things we do to kill time.

In every case, all things being equal, we choose the path of least resistance.

Mark Cuban illustrates how the understanding of this concept is key to making good business decisions.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Distributed BPO

Economic Times has an article on BPO's going for a multi city back up -

Move over data security, BPOs have got a new buzzword — disaster recovery. And it’s proving to be a money-spinner too. Americans as well as Europeans are today willing to pay a premium of 20% or higher to split the work farmed out to India into two or more cities. And insiders say that banks, finance and insurance companies are pushing it hard.

Having tasted the fury of Mumbai rains, clients are no longer satisfied with the outsourcing vendor having a facility in two cities, but are insisting on splitting each process into more than one city. And BPO vendors in India are now dishing out business continuity plans backing up more and more of their processes into multiple cities. Terrorism and earthquakes are already built in, but the latest disaster recovery roadmap has new natural calamities like rains and floods featuring prominently.


Since I'm finding less and less time to read blogs or update my own, I was curious to find out how people manage their information. Found something interetsing on on how Alex Bosworth manages his information

Every day I wake up and the first thing that gets me out of bed is, gotta go over to my Kubuntu box and check my email and rss feeds.

I have a portable music player and a portable dvd player, I turn something on and go have a shower. The shower is actually the place where I come up with the bulk of my ideas for the day.

I hop into the car and plug in my ipod or switch on NPR. I rarely listen to the same song more than a couple times, paradoxically whenever I listen to music I'm always listening to find something great that's worth listening to again.

At work I'm on email and I keep up with my 'work blogs', I use numbers to track everything, like my bloglines unread count, I never want to have my numbers go above 0. I'm looking at our internal wiki for other people's changes to my pages or shared pages, bug tracking and checkins for Swik, plus I'll also keep open my calendar (currently one of the sources of the most frustration). I also monitor the Swik traffic and edit logs for new contributions or interesting usage patterns, and our community forums.

I've learned to be really fast at scanning these various sources of information; everything that's not email I tie together through RSS feeds, and I am really really fast with the pagedown button to bring my counts back to 0. Even though I get far more RSS info than email, I spend roughly the same amount of time on each because I read email more carefully.

If I see something I need to remember, I'll post it to, add it to my tadalist, clip it using bloglines, or just write a little note to myself on paper or on our internal wiki.