The New Digital Divide
Seth Godin's post on the new digital divide talks about choice - and choice is okay when the only person it affects is the one who makes the choice!
But what about the people involved in bridging the digital divide – do they really have a choice? And are they now a part of the new digital divide?
Baring a few [involved in development] who belong to the Digirati – most are either unaware or in a state of inertia to change! And I have one question for them - if you are unwilling to adapt to new technologies/ applications then why would a person on the non digital side of the divide leave his comfort zone?
And since fortunately it's only about choice – and while the world can chose to be where it wants to be – the organization(s) bridging the digital hardly have a choice! Because now it's not just about those who have access to computers and the internet, and those who don't; it is about using the plethora of applications innovatively to bridge the gap.
Blogs and wiki's in local languages, jotspot for project management and skype for areas that don't have good voice connectivity! Or is bridging the digital divide only about adding hardware and making software more affordable? Of having a cold website that is updated occasionally and using email and yahoo messenger to communicate?
The choice is yours!